Spirit Posse

Daily Mindfulness Practices

Spirit Posse

In this episode of Spirit Posse we share our daily mindfulness practices, from monthly mindfulness challenges, morning routines which include meditation and physical activity, and utilizing hobbies such as cooking to stay present. We also embrace the daily practice of staying in the flow. We recognize that in order to live grounded, grateful, calm, and fulfilling lives, we must have daily practices that support this type of lifestyle.   
Be sure to email us at spiritpossepodcast@gmail.com if you'd like to contact us!
Books and terms mentioned in this episode listed/linked below.

Elizabeth Gilbert – The Book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear 

Mel Robbins Podcast 

Astrocartography is an offshoot of astrology (it’s known as location astrology), where your birth chart is mapped against a world map to discover which places on Earth resonate most with you.